Experience the Everyday

By worldofcherie

Normal Life

It feels surreally comfortable being in London. Travelling on the tube, walking around, meeting friends... just so comfortable.

Never did I once feel like I might have made the wrong turn, got off 1 stop early or felt scared about talking to 'strangers' like sales assistants, waitresses or barmen. Incredibly comfortable. It's like a normal day!

I didn't enjoy interacting with these 'strangers' in HK. I could never respond naturally. They always speak too quickly, use slangs or short versions of things. Impossible to understand. The same goes for Turin.

Had an absolutely great day lunching, shopping and drinking with ETK! We always have a good time whenever we are :)

Then in the evening, Vietnamese dinner with Sharon T and Jo Jo who are in London for a short time. Loved our international discussions... and so good to hear and speak some Cantonese! haha!

The mission continues - no Italian food for 2 weeks!

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