Three hundred and sixty five

I can't believe I have been blipping for a whole year. It really does seem like yesterday when I posted my first blip. I have been taking a picture and writing a diary entry every day since the 1st January 2000. It started as a project just for the year 2000 so that I could record pictorially the daily activities of my babies. I fell pregnant that year and felt that I wanted to carry on so that my daughter could be included. Here I am over 10 years later still at it. I stumbled upon blipfoto last year and I'm loving it.

I spent the day trying to think of some clever 365 blip but couldn't come up with anything original. Instead, my daughter took a picture of me in her room pondering. I thought I would have a picture of me for a change.

Today would also have been my mother's birthday. She passed away 14 years ago at only 61 years of age. Way too young to be taken away. The kids never got to meet her. They would have loved her. She was lots of fun and very, very kind.

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