It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

I love you I do.....

Guess what.......Marma is here! I LOVE Marma! This is me, jumping all over her on the sofa. I couldn't decide whether to lick her or take her my toy to throw for me. She was really laughing. I LOVE making people laugh. Everytime Marma looked at me I HAD to jump up and try and lick her. Mum did tell me off as I am not supposed to jump up, but I really really couldn't help it.

We picked Marma up at the station this morning. She has come to stay for the night and do some gardening with mum and come on my walks with me.

I helped them do some gardening. I "held" the ball of string for them. I chewed up the plastic tags from the plants they bought. I stuck my head in the plant pots to have a sniff just as they were pouring soil in so I got my face covered in soil and I bit the heads of mums bleeding hearts plant. I think I had a really productive day. Mum AND Marma are both raising their eyes at me now??!

We had a lovely walk along the coastal path this afternoon and I showed marma how good I am at coming back. She kept panicing and saying to mum, shes not coming or shes gone that way. Mum made her relax and said that I always come along in the end. Which I did. On our way back I even showed Marma how I swim by jumping in the muddy river. Mum told me no but I really wanted to show Marma and I jumped in anyway. Tee hee

After tea tonight Marma took me on my walk. Mum was worried that I would play her up and do my refusing to walk thing but why would I mum? I LOVED walking with Marma. She only had to rustle the treats in her pocket and I trotted alongside her quite happily.

Everyone is very tired now after a busy day walking and gardening, so we are all settling down for a lovely snuggle. I am really not sure who to snuggle first. :-)

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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