It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

All dressed up

Being as today is the special doggie challenge day here on blip, I thought I would dress up for the occasion. The thing is that you see me everyday and may be getting a bit bored with my pictures. So I thought I would spiff myself up a bit for you all :-)

I saw Marma off on the train today :-( We took her to the station and mum said it would be good experience for me to come on the platform (its only a little station) so we all waited together for her train. At one point a REALLY fast train WOOOOOSSSHHHHHED through the station. Mum had a treat ready at the end of my nose for when it wooshed by and I hardly batted an eyelid. Mum jumped more than me!

We had another lovely walk on the beach with no sea It was lovely. It was just mum and I. It was reeeeeaaaaaallllly windy. My ears were flapping all over the place. The tide came in when we were there and I thought YAAY and ran off towards it, whilst mum was shouting NOOOOOO but I couldn't hear her because of the wind in my ears ;-) So I had a lovely swim and got covered in sand like this but worse!. I love to roll and roll in the sand to dry myself off.

I miss marma. I do love it when she is here. Mum isn't so lonely when daddy is away then. I can't wait for our house to sell and we can move back there nearer them.

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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