Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Spoilt for choice

After another heavy shower, I decided that it was now or never before the light was too low, so armed with my camera and 100mm macro lens I wandered around the garden. So much has grown in the last few days while I have been preoccupied with the walking festival.

It was quite windy so no point bringing the tripod out. I had the choice of a fat poppy bud, nearly ready to burst and covered in jewels of rain. Then there were the leaves of alchemilla mollis, again bejewelled with raindrops. The iris bud won. The markings are exquisite and I think it looks as though there is a zip up one side.

Our visitors left this morning quite early, so we have had a quiet day at home, just ourselves and the cats, apart from a brief visit from L, back from her holiday, for a quick catch-up.

What a lovely day

PS I did spend most of it chasing up people who have not let me know if they have received their final instructions for the Haltwhistle Challenge, but even that was a pleasant job.

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