
By andyclicks

Limb Production

So I woke up this morning, glanced at my tadpoles next to me and there was a little black swimmer, competently swimming facilitated with two extra legs. As he's (thats a funny to assume it's a boy, but as i'm not revising english right now I won't lecture about gender issues). As I was saying, as it is the first to grow legs i've decided to call it Charlie. (see thats unisex ;) )

Today was a strange day, can't say I particularly enjoyed it. It started well, fairly ordinary but then by 11 i'd turned and gone into one of my strange, reprocussive moods that are likely to get me locked away in a mental institution one day.

I won't go into detail as to my 'condition' for a start I wouldn't know where to begin, but also you're not interested. Then after a few hours, and a bit of musical expression though, i'd returned to my normal self, and the evening continued as per usual.

Couple of other weird things happened today, this morning we found a limping rat in the garden, who had got caught in our mouse trap and escaped, unfortunately we couldn't catch him this morning even though he was limping and slow. However he came back this afternoon and when I got home he was under a bucket being kept apart until we decided what to do. OOH exiting news, we're doing something now.

Mum has bought rat poison, cause I wouldn't let dad 'Bash it until it stops screaming' and it's the most humane way. I doubt it would last long in the wild with a broken leg, and dad doesn't want to waste petrol 'rescuing a rat' :/

okay turns out we've put it in a box, with some water and rat poison, it's sad, but probably for the best. Poor barry :'( oh yeah i called him barry.

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