Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd


I love finding little timewarps. This little alley in Richmond has always intrigued me, as all the houses are the same, with the iron stairs leading up to the front doors. I can imagine walking through the front door and being back in the 1930s.

Many thanks for all your comments yesterday - my mojo is right back where it should be!

What else? Oh yes, I have family visiting from Newcastle this weekend so am most excited about that!

And most importantly: don't forget the Eurovision Song Contest tomorrow! As if anyone could! I was a huge fan in its heyday but haven't watched so much in recent years. This year, I am very excited though because it is taking place in Duesseldorf where I grew up and where Mum still lives.

In fact, my claim to fame is Eurovision related! A group of us went to the Song Contest in Riga in 2003 where we met His Terry Woganship who then gave us a mention in his live broadcast. Yes, he did!

(I must apologise to non-European readers - the last two paragraphs are probably complete gibberish to you!).

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