My world through my lens

By CatherinePound

Hello you!!

Uhm... hi! *waves*

So sorry I've been gone so long! Thank you those of you who have posted lovely comments showing concern! Bless you! All is well... though I've been very tired, and a little nauseous... can you guess??

Yep... Lottie's going to be a big sister. We're now 16 weeks along, baby due on 29/10/11 and the first trimester was to blame for my absense. I struggled to be creative enough with dinner, let alone pick up a camera! haha So sadly I fell off blipfoto with a bump. I've taken pics in between while out and about etc, but I'm not going to back blip as it's a lot of work! LOL

So here is Lottie... have you missed her? This was taken after a successful trip to the clinic for her two year review. She charmed the nurses and aced her review! :D We then went to the park to feed the ducks. I had a hard time deciding which one to put on blip! :D

So, I'll hopefully be about a bit more.. I'll endeavour to pop round and say hi to all my subscribed journals over the weekend, I look forward to seeing what you've all been up to!! :D

Love Cath xxxxx

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