My world through my lens

By CatherinePound

Too many to choose from!!

What... 2 blips in 2 days?? Surely not! :D

Indeed... well today I have so many to choose from.. half of which aren't even edited yet! Lottie and I went out to a field near our home with a friend and her daughter. We're both very interested in photography and my friend had loads of very inspiring ideas.

Here are some of them I've managed to edit today.... Amateur photoshoot

So if you're not keen on this one, perhaps you'd prefer one of the others? I really like the first pic, where Lottie's off in the distance and my friend's daughter has turned towards the camera.

Thank you for your well wishes, so far everything has gone very well with the pregnancy. We suffered a miscarriage (at 10 weeks) in November last year and as such have been in the care of a consultant and not wanted to get to excited about it all until we were further along. He's given us the thumbs up in the last week or so and we're thrilled to bits! :D

Not sure I'll have anything exciting to post tomorrow... but I'll work on it! hahaha

Have a good weekend!!

C x

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