Clark Tales

By cclark

Bessie Tucker

I decided after another day of hanging with the family and errands I would pop up to my Great Nan's Grave. Its been a few yrs since I've been up there. Sadly my Nan cant go up there as often as she used to either, so she was happy I went up. It was spur of the moment, hence no flowers, but I think the fact I thought of her was more important. What's sorta funny is the stone is wrong, as she died in 1996, but no one in my family noticed for 18months after it was installed, and that was when my Nan visited her mum's grave weekly lol. Woops. My great Nan was definitely a character and a half and I was lucky to have been 11 when she died, so I have some good memories of her.


I couldn't decided if I wanted to blip this, but dont think its a bad thing to remember someone, too many stories to note here x

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