Clark Tales

By cclark

On my way home

...back to Scotland I went through Peckham and stopped to pick up PIE MASH! My mum is from Peckham, born and bred, went to Oliver Goldsmiths then Peckham girls school. At one time she even lived on the North Peckham Estate, once a sign of a new hope for social housing, now extinct as a social housing disaster.

I was waiting at the lights for a while so sneekly snapped the pie mash shop. Once I turned I thought what the hell grab some and take it home mum. She was over the moon, she thought I would leave too early to stop in but I decided a lie in was in order and didnt leave London until 11am, which turned out ok as I missed all the traffic hot spots including getting passed Manchester before 5 and lets face it theres never traffic in the Lakes, It was a LONG but easy drive. Last night I booked my TRAIN to London for June, and first class was only a tenner, so I treated myself. So over 1000 miles done this week with the drive and visit to family in and around london, hmmm where else could I have gone for 1000 miles?

Here's the beautifully bright Peckham Library snapped after parking up and walking back over to the the Pie Mash and Liquor.

PS totally have to mention that just after this I saw a BMW driver get pulled over and presented with a ticket by a policeman on a BIKE LMAO - was so so good!

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