Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty


This is Doris, the hamster - finally! We've had Sid and Doris for nearly 18 months now and have never managed to get a decent photo of them because they move so fast. This was taken just after my eldest woke her up to clean out her cage. She is half asleep and is lying just inside her little wooden house - imagine a Swiss chalet!! - eating some lettuce with her cheeks all puffed up. Oh she is sooooo cute! She is very nosey and very often sleeps with her head poking out the door of her house so that she doesn't miss anything!

This morning my youngest played a friendly footy match against a team a year older - my son's team won 4-0! We had to get the police to the game as there was a drunken man hanging around being abusive and swearing. The police came, handcuffed him, spoke to him and took his details and then let him go! The match had finished by then but it was a bit strange as the kids were all still there and the man was on a bike with a guitar on his back (yes really!!). I would have thought that he would have been a bit dangerous to cycle home but the police obviously thought different. I cycled to the game too with my middle son. I had to get my hubby to ride my bike back as it nearly killed me! I really do need to get fit. All afternoon my knees have been really painful - I'm obviously getting old.

Hubby was pleased this afternoon when Man City won but they were all disappointed as Shrewsbury lost 2-0 in the first of the play-offs. Let's hope they do better next Friday as they are all going to watch them.

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