rob the ritch

By robtherich


THOMAS SMITH had invented and made lamp light reflectors.He was asked to put into
new buildings specially for them called light houses.This was to replace fires on rockes with many losses of ships.
THOMAS married a JANE STEVENSON who had a son from her first marrage[robert].
This son[robert] marriad Thomas DAUGHTER JEAN who had a son was called
He first went to university to be a engineer and join the family buisnes but soon left
went into law and became a a advocate. He passed this but never used it by this time he knew he wanted to be a writer.The first books published was travel books on journeys that he took himself.One of them was travels with a donkeyin the clevennes
A natoinal park in the mountains of south central france.He went on to write books
He went on to tour EUROPE,went to CALIFORNIA and brought back a woman he would mary that was eleven years older.For a while he stayed in switzerland because of ill health.He headed after that to AMERICA ,NEW YORK then through the plains to the west coast. Setting sail for the pacific islands never to return he endid up in SAMOE.
He set up his own house in his own estate.This island was chosen among others because
it had a good postal service to get his writings to his publisher.After many years of illnes he died on the third of december 1894.It is said his best work was THE WIER
OF HERMISTON that was never finished written about a part of SCOTLAND not only from memory but thousands of miles away
Number 21 is for sale,Iwould think the same designon and the same side of the street £700,000
Next door to number 8 is the AUSTRIAN embassy

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