The long journey

By thelongjourney

Touch the sky

I'm so happy today. First of all, the sun is shining and I had a very good walk around the other side of Clifton village. I took a lot f good blips that I found it really hard to pick one. I finally decided on this one: it's a detail of Christ Church in Clifton. I like the blue of the sky and didn't even realise that I managed to get a wee seagull in till I uploaded it...nice!

I'm also really excited cos I've been accepted to a conference in Victoria (Canada) in September...whoowhoo!!!! I was really hoping to get in since my plan was to go to Alaska from there. I spent a good part of my morning in a coffee shop browsing through a couple of travel guides for Alaska trying to decide where to go/what to see....I'm oh so excited. I've been dreaming to go to Alaska for years :)! I still don't know whether I'll be on my own of with my scouse friend Andy but either way it's going to be good. I don't know if any of you fellow blippers have been to Alaska or maybe live there, but any tips/advice/suggestion is welcome!!!!!!

I'm happy! Very happy! I might make a focaccia now :)


" It's beautiful tonight
It makes me feel alive
It's beautiful inside
I'm safe here in a pale blue sky
It's beautiful inside
Brighter than the stars
When I catch your eye,"

Pale blue sky - The Cranes

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