Friday dog challenge

This is Joe Dog, Mara's dog. He is about 3.5 years old. He is a very honorable gentleman who loves running laps around the yard when my daughter or the baby arrive, or the dreaded mailman delivers mail. He is uncomfortable when his gate gets left open because who knows what could come in. He is a house dog that prefers to be outside during daylight hours. He adores Mara who returns the affection. He is totally baffled by George the cat who wants to be a dog and who adores both Mara and Joe. George follows Joe around and snuggles up to him whenever Joe is still. This confuses Joe who has no idea how to handle his fan club.

We adopted him from Albuquerque Animal Control. He had been returned once and came with the name Joe. The being returned once has left him an insecure guy at times. He is supposed to be a lab pit bull cross, but the closest either pit bull or lab came to being involved in his parentage is one walking near his mother. He is just a rather lithe 50 pound black mutt and one sweet dog.

I give thanks for Joe, George and Mara.

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