
I cannot even begin to imagine why an ordinary family would want such a huge, 5 storey house to live in!! Will most probably have to phone one another to communicate! Hehehehe.

A new house is being built in our complex at the moment, quite huge as well, more than 500 square metres in size, for a family of three, mom, dad and their son, about 10years of age. I walked through it with C yesterday, couldn't believe my eyes! Our house is quite big, but this one is absolutely huge! Lóóóts of entertainment areas and breathtaking view over the dam! I will blip it as soon as it is ready to be occupied!

Oh, btw, I think the weatherman should be fired!! He forecasts heavy rain for us for tomorrow and Tuesday!! Hey, tell the man this is the North West Province/Gauteng, not Western Cape!! Eisch!! We are in the Summer Rain Region, Western Cape is supposed to be the Winter Rain Region!! Hiehiehiehie

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