
A rather lazy day today. I dropped off my son at 9:45 at the local health club as he had made arrangements with his friend to play golf. After my daughter's friends had been picked up by their mums, we went to Sainsburys. We picked up my son on the way back home. He was covered from head to toe in mud. I wondered how he had got so muddy playing golf? He informed me that they had not played gold but played tennis instead. I then wondered how he got so muddy playing tennis?
I picked up my eldest daughter at lunchtime and she spent the afternoon decorating this 'decopatch' love sign that she'd bought in Kingston yesterday. She'd spent £20 on a 'love' sign made of MDF, some glue and five sheets of tissue paper !
Later on. my son went to a 'go-karting' birthday party. Whilst he was there, my youngest daughter made pudding for dinner tonight. It's just been eaten and I feel stuffed.
We are all now going to snuggle on the sofa and watch 'Escape from Alcatraz'.

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