Gaddafi's secret location.
Col Gaddafi recently proclaimed that he could never be found and killed by NATO because he 'lives in the hearts of millions..' but I spotted him earlier today on Lothian Rd waiting for a bus. He was looking a wee bit worse for wear and doesn't seem to have been able to 'Just for men' his hair since he fled Tripoli but I'm sure it was him. The camoflague wasn't very well thought out for Edinburgh City Centre and being hunted by NATO must take it's toll on a man (we all saw what happened to Saddam while he was hiding out in that wee hole...) but a couple more Irn Bru's and he'll be right as rain and ready to resume dictating his country once again. Well unless some Neds get to him first...
Yooohoo! NATO! He's here!
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