Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Centaurea montana

I was trying to fasten a large peanut holder onto an elder this afternoon when the branch flew out of my hand under tension and whipped me in the face over my right eye. That was the end of the gardening - had to sit down with a cup of tea! No serious damage done, just rather sore.

I was determined to have a garden image today despite the very high winds. The little fly in this centaurea was hanging on for grim life (or is that death?). I like the big contrast between the intense blue of the petals and the pale green of the leaves. I also like the pattern the leaves have made in the background.

Early with my blip today. Finished this round of checking on Haltwhistle Challenge entrants - a lot have been slow to let me know it they received their final instructions. (As one said, "it sounds rather apocalyptic"!) My head was spinning with names on the spreadsheet so I've left it for another day. The Challenge will be enormous fun on Saturday.

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