My daughter has seriously lost the plot!!!
She was driving me up the wall this morning,
so I gave her a washing up bowl, clean water and a spoon,
it worked for all of 5 mins before she threw it all over the floor,
when she decided to start slurping it up,
she is crazy about drinking water,
any water, long as it's water,
rain water, bath water, dregs of a glass water,
she uses her bath toys to get it,
her fingers to lick it up,
the floor and her tongue,
its pretty disgusting,
Now I won't ask if my daughter is normal,
because over the past 475 blips,
we have learnt she is far from that,
but does any one else have a child that does anything even vaguely similar?

On writing this I turn round find her licking her foot, on inspecting foot, I discover she has trodden in a bit her food and its stuck to her foot .......!!!!

video to go with above blip!

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