Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Boyz n Girlz

Or to spell it in a non chavvy way boys and girls.

I'm avoiding the obvious Blur link here. Shall I do a link anyway? No probably not. Can't really be arsed.

I've been given a project to find out how we become eligible to deliver CPC vehicle training at our centre. Back in primary school my project was on ghosts and involved lots of felt pens and glitter. I have the feeling this one might involve less craft and more hassle which is a shame. I've always felt the construction industry doesn't have enough wax crayons. However I'm fairly sure a large portion of my candidates would know their way around a wax crayon better than a basic numeracy and literacy test.

I watched a programme last night on Strangewways. Bad bastards. That's all I have to say about that.

Actually its not. I did a bit of reading up on the 1990 Strangeways riot and have decided that there was the turning point in our prison system. With a brother who is a prison officer I always tend to side with authority and not human rights. Funnily enough our kid has been in court today after being attacked by an inmate. The guy didn't show for court (not fit enough apparently, I assume 23 hours a day under lock and key must be quite a strain on ones diary). The guy got time for the assualt but can't be sentenced as he didn't show. Go figure.

Sorry by 'Go Figure' I mean 'how the fuck is that fair?' Must stop using Americanisms.

My picture today is kinda influenced by my ongoing search for a life partner. Although I've already committed to a lifelong relationship with melancholy and malaise I've been thinking perhaps another living and breathing individual would be a good idea. However on the back of advice from the blipworld I'm going to try coming on less strong. I've diteched the engagement ring I've been carrying in my back pocket and have stopped proposing to pretty girls in fast food chains. I have decided to let love find me.

I'm concerned though. It hasn't found me in 32 years. 15 years ago I lost a scientific calculator from my room and as yet that still hasn't found me either. I'm not convinced therefore that love will seek me out anymore than I'm convinced my old casio will do the same. Mind you I'm convinced Trevor (my old friend) had something to do with the calculators going walkies. I'm pretty sure he isn't hiding the love of my life in his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pencil tin.

Ah sod it here's the obvious link

Heard Culture Club Karma Chameleon on the way to work with the lyric 'Im a man wthout conviction' being sung by Boy George. The power of hindsight eh George?

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