Ink Polaroids

By inkpolaroids

putting your feet up

To the hospital with R. The waiting room is decorated in a sort of 'undersea' theme - whales, seals, ships, treasure chests and the like. All very cheery and colourful and not in the least bit grim. We're regulars at this place on account of R's juvenile arthritis, so she makes herself at home whenever she's here.


The consultant that deals with R was using a new computerised electronic patient file system that the Dutch government is phasing in, and which the company I work for is testing. I mentioned this to pass the time while she was getting organised (I do hate long silences), but upon hearing this nugget of information she launched into a litany of complaints about just how awful this new system is.

I wished I hadn't mentioned it to be honest, especially as she still had to examine R. I don't think she's one to bear grudges, but both R and I felt the full rectal probe was a bit of a surprise, an unexpected addition to the blood tests and X-ray that we normally get.

So. The lesson for today. Never antagonise health professionals. They have a power over you. Proctologists. Dentists. Be nice to them.

(taken with iPhone 4 and the battery draining Hipstamatic. Post proces with Tiltshiftgen)

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