The big question mark in history
Working as we did in a pub, Tuesday afternoons off, were something to be relished.
Typically, we got drunk. There probably was a chance that had we stayed working in bars, we would have turned into a pair of raving alcoholics. As it was, we were an Ex-Student and an Ex-Sailor, just coming to the end of our terms of professional piss-heads.
The morning after one such evening, we arose, bleary eyed, to face a new day in the bar. Si staggered from bed first, rumbling around the bedside cabinet trying to find his glasses before I threw things at him for missing the loo.
He went to the loo, and then wobbily made his way to the kitchen and the kettle. It was then I heard the first utterance. There were a multitude of curses and mumblings. I couldn't quite make out what was happening.
I watched as he walked from the kitchen thru to the living room and stood gazing out of the window. He took his glasses off and said "wow".
He shouted through to me - "what did we do last night, something amazing has happened".
I bumbled out of bed myself. "we got drunk, danced around a bit, what has happened?".
"I can see", he announced. "I couldn't see in the kitchen with my glasses on, and I came through here, to look farther up the road, and I still couldn't see, but when I took my glasses off, I can see".
I turned him round to face me, and stared hard into his baby blues.
Then I slapped him and said, "you forgot to take your bloody contacts out".
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