Snapshot of today

By fiona64


Very wintery feel to the day today. Grey sky, wind, rain and cold. The second duck ventured out with her ducklings today, although I noticed there were still 3 eggs in the nest. Both ducks were quacking to eachother from opposite sides of the garden and sort of met in the middle. Then they went over to the paddling pool and food and ate and had a good bath. The second duck then went back to her nest (I'm thinking the 3 remaining eggs may hatch in the next day or so).......leaving 4 of her ducklings with the first duck, who has now gone from 9 to 13 ducklings!

Didn't manage to count exactly how many ducklings the second duck actually has, but it's as many if not more than the first one (not very easy counting over 20 ducklings when they won't sit

The first duck has now decided to leave her nest and nest under the tree nearer the second duck, not sure what that's all about! Hopefully all the ducklings will hatch soon and I can somehow persuade them all to go back into the proper duck pen where it's covered and safe from the crows.

Anyway, like I said was not a great weather day today (and as I write this late at night it's pouring and windy again!), but round about sunset some blue sky came out for long enough for me to get a walk out the moor with the dog (although it was really cold and windy), and actually saw the sun just long enough to take a photo!

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