must try harder

By halfcj

Warts 'n' All!

I warned you....yesterday, you had as good as it gets. get as bad and ugly as it is!

I can almost hear you all clicking off the page, calling out for therapy! Illusions shattered into pieces. Well, I have no sympathy, for I told you yesterday's SP was as good as it gets...OK, actually as good as Photoshop can get it!

For today, you have reality. Yesterday's proved the camera can lie. Yesterday's hid all the blemishes, the years of stress and strain, of sun damage for there was no spray tan salons in the 70's and 80's! The crow's feet, the laughter lines (I prefer this to wrinkles!). The years of neglect - skin care being so 'uncool' in my youth, more the domain of the gay community - something the modern man has fewer qualms about. Why did we listen to our peers!'s all about catch up. repairing what's left. The rest we live with, face every day in the mirror. This is a repeat; youth is wasted on the young!

But then I'm lucky. I have B. I have my family. They're used to it.
The rest of you will just have to keep hiding behind the sofa peeking every so often to see if I've gone. For I did warn you, yesterday was as good as it gets!

Thank god for photoshop!

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