The Keendom

By lookeengood

Blips been a fun day

Disclaimer: To start off this blip I would like to point out that I am going to completely change the tense that these enteries are written as the tense I (Mummy K) have used previously does not come naturally, thus making each blip far less interesting and funny. For I am an interesting and funny kind of Mummy. I promise.

Today was a day of firsts. The first time Baby Keen wore her nice new yellow top, the first time she played with sand and the first time she ate pesto (with tuna and pasta, not just a jar of pesto, that wouldn't be right). All of which she thoroughly enjoyed.

I - Mummy Keen - also enjoyed watching her experience these new things. She looked super cute, had great fun and enjoyed her dinner. All things that make us mothers happy.

I also enjoyed a lovely cuddle with baby N. So have yet again had my fix of new baby and I can happily admit I am hooked.

Baby Keen went to bed at about 5:45pm so I fear it could be an early start tomorrow....

(Daddy Keen went to work whilst his girls were out having fun. He was excited to see a fish that he had rescued from a bird many years ago in the pond at work. He had feared that it had not survived the winter!)

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