
By Appreciate

Maryfield Butterfly

Here is another mosaic I made in Crieff with Jan Kilpatrick (Wild Tiles). Even when the weather challenges my mood, this wee guy can cheer me up! He's on a slate and made from expertly cut mirror tile, red and blue glass. Truth - I couldn't get through the red glass and was pretty Jan had to help!

Today I was an Outdoor Learning Networking (in my new car!!) I didnt' take time last night to learn how to work the music machine, so when I went out of signal for all the radio stations, i mulled over what belonging to this group meant to me.

We have only met once before but when a group of like minded people gather, it is stimulating, refreshing and always leaves me with the feeling that I need to do more. I was looking forward to renewing acquaintances made last time - and wasn't disappointed. Stimulating conversation, challenge and sharing practice. Now I need it to filter to impact more on more children!!

On my arrival home after my pensive journey in the sunshine, I blipped my butterfly as a promise to myself that I must share the creative skills that I have and love, to many more youngsters. Trouble with a management role is that I'm not paid to have fun and create. A bit sad really so I have to rethink the game plan.

I used to run Saturday Eco Warrior Workshops, but was criticised for not being inclusive enough (!). I am one of the most inclusive people I know so that stung a bit.

My decision - I am going to hold teacher weekend workshops, chez moi, so that I can share what I know and then they can facilitate fabulous things...and of course, I would be there to help! What is best is that this kind of learning is SO messy it really has to be done outside!! And what will happen is that other people will share their skills and we will all be better at doing everything!

Will keep you posted / blipped!! I hope to lose my L plates today!!

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