
By Appreciate

The Wonderful Clyde

Here I am back on "home turf", visitng the parentals in Gourock. Aware that a distressing day at work and hard drive in Friday evening traffic round Edinburgh and Glasgow (even in my new car) were taking a toll on my sparkiness - I knew I had to catch a blip... or I would miss day and have to keep my (now annoying) L plates even longer.

I stopped on Cloch Road in Gourock and snapped a few shots from the car window. I had to hope for the best as I was in the way of others trying to park and still had my engine , music and indicator on. The only thing I knew how to work was the camera on my phone - so "BLIP" and off I went.

Can't record my week with its culmination on Friday, for professional reasons - but noting this will make me remember some values and beliefs that are so crucial, but sometimes forgotten in life.

Whatever happens, your family comes first. Even with the toughest decisions to face, think of your values - and vote with your heart. You know you're right.

That is a silent, but hopefully "heard" message to two families very different in my life, but very dear to me. One is much closer than the other.

The Power of Positive Thought - please!!

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