Backpack TopherHack

By TopherHack

The Cat in the Hat

We're on the Caribbean coast now, turns out it's a bit beautiful.

We spent the afternoon drinking cheap red wine and coke in front of a sea more turquoise than anything I've ever seen.
I didn't take my camera though, which was actually a good thing. The white sand was the consistency of flour, and combined with the strong sea breeze all our stuff was eventually buried in little sand drifts.

But, after a massive cat drought since we left Vallarta, we've now been lucky enough to find cats in the last two places we've stayed.
Our hostel has an adult and her three kittens, plus another young cat that reminds me of our own SooYo.
By the time we got back today the light was fading, hence the awful picture quality, but we love this little guy and he's definitely my favourite - just getting him to stay this still for this shot was a miracle in itself.

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