
By Appreciation

I've been rushing about lately, running down my reserves and thus been paying for it with a number of bugs. So, today's theme was stillness. A bit like musical statues, but you do it in your head. Here's a song to get you started.

You don't have to be completely still all day you just have to keep a stillness in your head. A calm, and inner peace. I managed to buy shoes, and several birthday cards and presents in town. Whilst there I remembered what an absolutely beautiful city I live in. The buildings at the East End of Princes Street are stunning. It's the stillness that allows you to notice that I think.

I returned ready for another afternoon of planting and watering. The weeds are growing well so I decided to help them be a little more still! I waited for my pal the baby fox but he was obviously being still by his mummy today, which was a shame.

Back home and another Study Pal to shoot. Chemistry today. Now I could allow my brain to wander all through my limited knowledge and frustrations with all things chemically and the like but I am allowing the stillness to wash them away. This one was very willing, nae eager. I love the fact that I think I captured a stillness in her eyes whilst the wind blew everything about. It's not her favourite, but she didn't mind that it's mine.

And through the stillness Life Goes On.

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