The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty

Blue Eyes

She might look angelic but she spent most of the day battering her sister. She seems to be attempting to establish her place in the pecking order and is determined not to end up at the bottom of the heap. Her signature move is to go in for a cuddle and then sink her teeth into your leg/shoulder/chest/nearest fleshy body part. This hasn't gone down particularly well with the rest of Satans Minions but so far they are all towing the line and not hitting back. The universe did get it's own sort of revenge this afternoon though when, after a particularly vicious attackon Minion number one, she fell off the couch. A bit like karma giving her a slap.

Also managed to get the bathroom cleaned and the bedrooms hoovered. Minion number two learned that Cillit Bang does not taste as good as the packaging would make you think and I learned that no matter how many times you go over spilt glitter with a hoover you will still be sparkling for the rest of forever.

Quote of the day: "I really think I have behaved well enough to get my DS back". Minion number one. It was then returned to the confiscation box after she did a disappearing act and scammed crisps from the neighbours.

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