The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty

Looks Like We Made It

Well it looks like we have escaped the apocalypse yet again. No massive earthquakes or giant Tsunamis and the back garden is, so far as I can tell, free of Fire and Brimstone. Even accounting for any tricks plated by daylight savings we seem to have had a reprieve. At least until next December.

Satans Minions have been rather cooped up over the last couple of days with the torrential rain and gale force winds. Minion number one hasn't really grasped the concept of dressing for the weather conditions yet and arrived downstairs in shorts, a vest top and Hello Kitty flip flops. Being forced to change put her on a bit of a downer and she's been in a total strop for the rest of the day. This is her refusing to eat her cottage pie. Minion number two thought she would be helpful and clamber onto the table to spoon feed her.

Quote of the day: "It's not fair, Dregor has a much better wife than me." Minion number one. Roughly translated she seems to think her little pal has done better in the parents stakes than she has,

Also well done to Vinny who did the Edinburgh marathon today. Enjoy the blisters! x

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