accidental awesome

By alexamato

So, is this my last blip ever?

It would seem so according to these crazy people.

I mean, seriously, c' people honestly think Jesus is coming back tomorrow? How would they even know if he did? Is he going to descend from heaven in a jetpack? Will he fly down on the back of an ikran?

I'd like to think if he came back, he'd come back as a gay guy in Smithfield, Virginia. He'd be abused and verbally assaulted by the very people that claim to know and love him.

They say the world will be consumed by earthquakes tomorrow, and that is the sign of the end of days. Guess I shouldn't have booked tickets to go to Berlin with Cait next month.

I can't wait, can't wait to hear what bull$hit this guy says on Sunday when nothing happens!

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