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.... School of Visual Communication!That' s where we took R jnr this morning, to get the feeling of what he's going to experience next year when he enrols for further studies!!

Oh my, what a realisation: C&R snr's only child, my only grandchild, and M&Z's (MissU2) godchild, is NO child anymore!! Must admit, it was quite an emotional day for the three of us, but he is só excited, no tears spilled there!! Hiehiehie!! Fortunately he did not even notice our 'silliness'!!

What a lovely place! Very modern and really state of the art equipment!! We met quite a few staff members as well as students, and we are really positively impressed! He will be doing an Internationally acknowledged BA degree, but they offer a diploma course as well, in any of the following fields:
Animation, Communication Design, Film, Product & Interior Design, Game Design, Illustration, Interactive Media Design, Photography.

Seeing that he is quite a talented art student, his interest lies in Illustration, but they told us today, that he can specialise, for instance, in Illustration, but they combine it with, say Animation and one of the other topics, which gives the student 'Three legs to stand on', which benefits them in a great way when they are out job-hunting!

Their first year covers a wide range of 'media' in order for them to be able to make an informed choice for the second and third year, they might just find one of the other disciplines more satisfying!!

He is looking forward to next year, and so are we!! Can't wait to see his future as an adult unfold for him!!

About Cecile: See my blips for the past four days as well, if you are not aware of Cecile's ordeal, please!

Thank you for all the support, prayers and good wishes for her!! It is deeply appreciated! She is still in a coma, partly drug induced. Doctor will do a tracheotomy on Monday, because they, apparently, can?t leave the plastic pipe, through the mouth, for more than 7 days! I am somewhat worried, is she not supposed to start breathing on her own? The doctor says she will stay in ICU for quite a long while still!! Eisch!! I think her family is really worn out by now! It is só terrible to see you child just lying there, in a seemingly never ending battle for survival!!

I thank the Lord for Francois's second wife! She is such a pillar of strength, and she cares só much for that dear girl!! She is just always there, despite the fact that she has a full time job, and she encourages every one involved all the time, só selflessly! God bless!!

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