Lillian's Friends

Lillian took her camera when she went walking with her two friends, Grace and Martha, this afternoon, because she knew I am down and out with the flu! Is that not sweet of her?

She returned late afternoon and came upstairs to my room, offering her SD card! She took a few pictures of birds and the sun behind the mountain, some flowers, etc. I liked this one most, since she is in the pic as well .... or isn't she, does shadows count? Hehehehe!!

Update on Cecile:

I spoke to her parents just now. They are somewhat depressed tonight, it is 7 full days now, and she is not really improving, still in the coma! She had a bit of trouble with the breathing today, and her dad opened her eyelids and is upset because her one pupil is larger than the other one, and the doctor left a message that he wants to see them tomorrow in connection with the planned operation for the broken collarbone on Wednesday, when he will do the tracheotomy too. She is terribly restless as well. She grabbed her brother's hand this afternoon, held on to it very strongly, even scratched his hand quite deep! Is this a good sign, or not? We don't know!! Eisch!

Please keep on praying for her!

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