Daddies love.

A half and half day for me today. The children both woke before 6 which wasn't great but okay. They were lovely this morning. We went to see Aunty Jayne and Uncle Paul at the restaurant where I work. Paul is my boss and thinks the twins are lovely and asked last night if I would bring them in so we went today. Infact the children had the choice of the beach first or saying hello and the beach didn't win. Lots of cuddles and kisses were had and both Jack and Erin loved all the attention.
We went to the beach after and threw stones in the sea and in Jacks case seaweed at me!! We were hoping to feed the ducklings on the way home but after a good long walk we couldn't find them. I think they must have been in some of the hidden twists of river. Came home and played and were fine, Daddy came home and more playing ensued and he took them up the park to play with the hulu hoops. This picture was one I took when I sneaked up to take some photos of them playing. Jack got caught by a flying (!) hulu hoop from Daddy and this was the comfort cuddle of Daddies love.
Once home I think both Jack and Erin were just so tired after an early start and busy day as they became very whiney and whingey and in Jack case quite naughty. Decided that maybe they needed an early night (and me a glass of wine) so they went up half hour early and fell asleep instantly bless them. Hoping they get a full nights sleep and are happier in the morning.

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