Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


A garden chaffinch.

This morning (sans specs) I peeped through the curtains to see an unusually large blur on the bird-feeder.
I'm sure I'm not alone in experiencing this kind of thing, but when I removed said specs last night (and here's my mistake) I left them in A N Other room, NOT (as usual) beside my bed.
And, when I left them Elsewhere, I actually thought to myself (can you believe this?) ''I expect I'll need these in the morning and won't remember where they are''.

So, having peeped, and only remembered that I 'd left them somewhere odd,
I did a recce around every room I might've been last night...
And, sometime later (!)...
It was still there, this woodpecker! I've never seen one on the feeder before.
No capture. But a thrill.

And a note to self to listen to inner voice when it offers advice in future.

Late blip; been to a show. Catch up over next day or two...

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