Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Where the bee sucks...

.. Only not in a cowslip's bell this time.

I know.
I know.
It's ANOTHER bee... Bees or flowers? What can you do??

Get out more probably!

I've been waiting-in for telephone calls, so have been confined to barracks.
But I'm researching a new mobile to replace the one I laundered with the bedclothes. Am boggled by the choice. (Amongst other things.)
Boggled does lend itself to drifting thoughts.

In my ideal afternoon, Robert Plant (in his prime Led Zep body!) arrives, backstage pass akimbo, asking me to watch the band play live somwhere exotic. In a kind of Linds McCartney way.

This happens somewhat less often than one would wish.

Many thanks to the kind people who sympathised over the airport nuisance.

Happy Friday All!

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