Bits Bobs and Bats

By vix

An attack of weather

(This photo is on its side, not sure how to remedy that...)

Coming home on the bus today was horrendous. It was pissing down and everybody who got on the bus had a slight whiff of wet dog. Peoples coats and breath were steaming up the windows and I imagined it was becoming hard to breath. I fought with my rising panic attack, reasoning that if the worse came to the worse i would just have to fight my way through the throngs of manky humans stealing my air and blocking my way. Regardless of how insane I may look...

Luckily I glanced out of the window just as the bus pulled into a bus stop and was met with this oustanding blast of surreal rainbow. Delighted, I blipped it.

Phew, saved by the rainbow, the old heart and head binged back into perspective,

Almost home, lovally...

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