
The bin men woke us up this morning at half 6 and Amelie being Amelie, wouldn't go back to sleep. We got up and had breakfast together, cornflakes again for us both. Amelie got the bowls out for us and the box of cereal, she obviously knows the routine! After breakfast we had a play and got ourselves ready as we were going to a new group today, an early one.

Lookeengood and Baby Keen arrived just after 9 and we had a quick cup of tea before it was time to head out. The group we were going to today was Play and Learn, which was a birth to 5 club. It was our first experience with older children too. Us mummies were a little apprensive, especially when we went inside and it was full of mummies and lots of children. The girls didn't seem too bothered and immediately Amelie sat herself down at a table to play with a puzzle. Then she moved onto the dough and then we played with some blocks. We went to the glueing table then and Amelie did some glueing and then she had some fruit as it was snack time. It was actually past her normal snack time and so I gave her half a biscuit as well, she seemed quite hungry. It was a foolish thing to do though because she kicked off because I wouldn't give her another biscuit. One mini tantrum later and she was sitting drinking her milk and doing puzzles again. She made us laugh a little bit later as some of the children were standing around a huge cardboard box and banging on the top of it whilst one of them sat inside. Amelie went up and joined in with them, loving it, and then when they stopped and one or two left she started them off again!!! Not long afterwards it was time to head home, just as well as I had one very sleepy girl on my hands.

She went down after we got in, about 11.50 and slept until 12.10 and then we had some lunch. She ate nearly all of it, not much landing on the floor, and then we had a bath seeing as we hadn't had time this morning to shower. Plus, I was cold! We had a fun bath together and when we got out, Daddy was home as he was working tonight! He went for a sleep and Amelie and I headed out to walk to Waitrose. It took us a while to get there, even though its not far away, as Amelie walked and is very easily distracted when walking. We had a few people stop and talk on the way as well. Not to mention a 5 minute stop beside a lampost (just to the right of the picture here) and a little pose for Mummy as well!

We had gone to get a hot chocolate from the cafe but their hot chocolate machine was broken! Again! So Amelie had some frothy milk with marshmallows and chocolate powder sprinkled on it (Now I think about it, the woman clearly had hot chocolate powder to sprinkle so could easily have made hot chocolate with the frothy milk and powder? Why did she need a machine?!) and I had a cup of tea. Amelie ate my little biscuit with my tea and I ate her mallows as she didn't want them.

I then carried her most of the way home as she was kicking off because I wouldn't let her walk without holding my hand. She has just finished dinner, which I made when we got in, and about to get in her second bath of the day.

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