Such a cold blowy day today, the children didn't want to go out or even get dressed today so we had a mid morning bath. They do make me laugh with all the fun they have although Erin deciding she should sit at the back of the bath and slide down took things a little far!!
Amelia came for lunch today which was lovely as I do think cabin fever was setting in, especially for me!

Not a good bedtime tonight, they go up at 7pm and at 8.30 they were still on the go. They even worked together to open the stairgate on their room and came downstairs. According to them Nanny Angie was in their room and she has a very wide mouth and was trying to bite them. They were so animated and serious that I was sat shaking with laughter with tears in my eyes whilst they were explaining to Daddy why they couldn't possibly go back to bed. I love the summer but I hate the light nights messing with bedtime.

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