jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Ben was a Ben-in-the-box today. He made me laugh so much, and I did help in the end, when he was struggling with his drumkit :D This is him watching the video clip on my phone with Steve!

Other than that, it has not been a happy place to be in the jumpingbean household today. I woke up very early with a bout of d&v, Ben followed shortly after with the d part of it, and this afternoon about 30 minutes before Steve came home Ben came upstairs to tell me there was a poo in his nappy. I needed food, so we went downstairs to make toast, but while that was cooking Ben threw up all over the kitchen floor. Toast abandoned, sick was cleaned up, all clothing (of Ben's) removed and straight into the washing machine. Upstairs to clean up further and to change nappy, turns out that was another d. Thank goodness for Steve arriving home just then.

It goes without saying we didn't make it out to tots this morning. Nor have we been into the garden to play with the playhouse.

He's been sick a further three times this evening. In between bouts he's been fine, even saying his tummy is better now. But it evidently isn't. I've not been sick since this morning but I have a bad tummy ache which is not anything like the rest of the sickness I've had so far. Ben is remarkably matter-of-fact about being sick. No wailing and gnashing of teeth, just gets on with it, gets cleaned up, asks for his face to be wiped and nose blown and carries on with whatever he was doing beforehand.

I am a little concerned I'm going to have to reschedule the ultrasound on Thursday :( will be utterly gutted if I do. Hope all tummies settle down overnight.

Talking of night-times, last night was odd. Ben woke up in his bed not long after we'd gone to bed, and got horribly disorientated and ended up instead of making the two foot journey from his bed to ours, lost between the laundry basket and the bedroom door which is just round the other end of his bed. He was so distressed! I have no idea what caused that to happen. He usually manages that transition in his sleep. I've found him asleep on the end of our bed before, having climbed out of his bed and fallen asleep on our bed again before even having the chance to wonder where we were.

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