Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty


It'd be good to be able to slow down to a snail's pace somedays - I'm not wishing for that - busy is good! Today was another whirlwind of manicness (is that a word?). I did supply this morning, did my marking, whizzed over to another school to hand in a job application, sped home to do a quick bit of planning, put the chicken in for tea and then hotfooted it to another school to do some one to one tuition. After I'd finished there I zoomed (please note the use of all these interesting verbs!!!!) home to get the chicken out of the oven so that my youngest could have something to eat before going off on a hike with cubs. Made the tea and then collapsed...in a big heap! I've now heaved my body out of the chair, taken some still life desperate photos and I'm quickly writing this before I do my planning for tomorrow just in case I get a call in the morning to do some supply somewhere.

Must dash - bye!

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