
By andyclicks


Obscure title much?

But basically this is just what was in my vision. It's an off-cut of artificial grass that I have ontop of my tadpole tank, and just left my phone and some bands on it. Oh and a smiley face foam thing I found on the way home. I didn't take any photos today really, possibly had the chance on the way home from school, and there was a nice sunset but I was in the car. But whatever, i didn't take any.

Fairly average day, went to the sweet shop again which was nice. And after school Nadine spontaneously came round, and we went to buy this piece of music that i had lost, although only bought it two weeks ago. And then went home, followed by rehearsals then came home again for dinner, then played cards and I introduced her to Miranda. Chicken and televised versions.

Overall not a bad day but tomorrow is another day (:

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