The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty

Climb Every Mountain

To the untrained eye this may look like your run of the mill kiddy car. Minion number two however has cottoned on to it's potential as a highly mobile step and has spent her day wheeling it about the house and helping herself to the multitude of items supposedly placed out of her reach. Her favoutite so far seems to be the plant pots on the window sill. I initially thought she'd managed to pinch some chocolate, turns out she's developed a taste for mud. Given her recent clumsy streak it's only a matter of time before she has a hole in her head to match yesterdays.

The rest of the Minions have been keeping a low profile. With the weather still being totally minging (a balmy 5 degrees this morning) they have been getting a bit more inventive with their games. Todays favourite was prisoner, which basically entails one of them (usually Minion six) being shut in the cupboard under the stairs for anything up to 15 minutes whilst the others swan about pretending to be bosses. I'm not entirely sure that this is the healthiest of ways to spend an afternoon, but none of them seemed to be complaining and it at least bought me some peace.

Quote of the day: "Mummy. You know Jesus? Well was he really old or was he just a kid who had wrinkles?" Minion number one. Destined for a life in theology.

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