The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty

Goodness Gracious Great Balls of......Wool

Busy day today. After dropping Minion number one at nursery and Minion number three at playgroup it was off to Ingas for coffee. Minion number two was delighted to see Kai (gorgeous German Shepherd), Kai however is not so delighted with grabby little hands and so the poor thing was confined to safe quarters to escape the over enthusiastic attention of a toddler with a canine obsession. The consolation prize was to be Honey the cat who quietly padded in and settled herself on a chair. Unfortunately she wasn't quite subtle enough to escape hawk eyes notice and within seconds Minion number two was inches off her face shouting "good dog" (possibly not destined for a career in zoology). It was explained that Honey was in fact a cat and that she must be gentle but bizarrely Honey seemed to be enjoying the attention. All was going well until the Minion started howling. The cat was looking very innocent but Minion number two kept sobbing and pointing at the offending feline.

After coffee it was off to collect Minion number one and then through to Tain to buy some wool (I've taken up knitting, maybe by this time next year I'll have a scrappy face cloth to show for my endeavours) with a detour on the way to change the Minions rancid nappy and remove several items of soiled clothing.

The rest of the afternoon was spent folding the mountain of washing that usually inhabits the spare room. We are expecting my mum for a visit tomorrow and as much as I live by the Take Us As You Find Us school of housekeeping I draw the line at expecting guests to sleep under a pile of laundry instead of a duvet. Still it will be wonderful to see her, not least because she has offered to take the kids off our hands for the day on Saturday. The luxury!!!!!

Quote of the day: "That cat. That cat." Minion number two age 15 months. She may have been sobbing but at least she remembered it was a cat.

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