Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


There's been some rain today. Yessss! (We need it.)

And it's Friday for me! I'm not working tomorrow. Yippeeeeeeeeeeee!
Is this perhaps too much of a comment about my new job?
It's really not worth all the effort. I know, I should have said 'no'.
There's something about seeking part-time work which makes you** forget you're a professional and have many skills to offer...
*Stands up to be counted and hangs head*
(**Yes, my name is Anni and I am able to say 'I' !)

Having said that, I DO love working with the children.
And five year old logic about why it's preferable/essential to carry one's coat rather than wear it, in a downpour! (Mummy said it mustn't get wet).

The image is a teeny tiny alpine strawberry. The only red one as yet.

And the main reason the dog spends so long outdoors at the moment.
He lurks, guiltily, around them actually waiting for individual ones to ripen!

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