Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Cheeky Monkey

Good day today. I was feeling much better, if not 100% yet. Boychild and I went to Music Train after dropping Carys at Nursery. He wasn't quite as well behaved as last week but only because, quite rightly the teacher gave the animal toys to the kids who didn't have them last week, so he was slightly put out. He'll learn.

We then took library books back before picking up Carys early from Nursery, as Nanna was unable to have her this afternoon, so we could get to the gym in time for William's swimming lesson. Carys had a fun 3/4hr in the creche while William shouted and giggled his way through his class. We tried a floatation belt on him as he won't have a woggle and he loved bobbing around on his own, but we couldn't get it to stay put so he did keep headbutting the water and coming up looking most indignant. I plan to get a woggle for our holidays and get him on it everyday. Carys at this age was bobbing about idependently on a woggle and it was so much easier than holding him at arms length the whole time.

Both kids ate a huge baked potato with cheese and beans at the gym before we headed to Sainsburys for fuel and to take advantage of their 25% off clothing. Will slept through the whole experience and Carys fell asleep on the way home. Time for remedial action, Carys will not go to sleep easily after even the smallest daytime sleep so soft play it was. What a result, I had a voucher for £1 off entry, one for free drink and they had an offer on where I paid an extra pound for Carys and she could have tea there and for some reason I couldn't fathom they only charged me a pound for William for entry and tea!

So a long play, a huge tea of cheesy pasta with broccoli and peas and then half an hour play, with us being the only people in the place the two of them racing around on these bikes (William only just able to touch the floor with his toes) I bought home two very tired children. Both behaved really well at bedtime, which was a godsend as Daddy was stuck on delayed trains and Carys in particular hates not to see him before bed. Hoping for more of the same tomorrow.

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