Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

My Precious

I've been on a diet since September and sometimes it's odd things that remind me that I've actually lost weight.

Today I went out to the garden to get some dandelions for the tortoise and when I flicked my wrist (probably at some bug), I noticed my ring slipped all the way down past my knuckle. Now any normal person would take it off and put it in their pocket at that point, not I. I promptly forgot about it and went back to picking. Then later in the evening noticed it gone.

Long story short, I spent about an hour painstakingly going through the house for it. It wasn't til I was sifting through the cats old litter that I'd just put in a bin bag that I saw it spinning around in the washing machine.

It did come out very clean in the end and is now safe in my jewelery box.

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