Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

All Blip. All the time.

I took quite a few shots today that looked great when I saw them on the viewfinder then when I put them on the computer, realised I'd set it to ISO 1600 so they all looked grainy and horrible. Grr.

So I took a comment Acronymphomania made at tonight's Blipmeet as my inspiration. He commented that we truly were a modern couple in that we sit and watch TV in the evenings while looking at Blip (amongst other things in my case ;) on our phones while watching TV. We also wake up on a Sunday morning and rather than one of us going for Sunday papers, we just look up BBC news on our phones.

I can't decide whether this is a good thing or not!!

But as an aside to that, had a lovely time at tonight's Blipmeet. I must made an effort to meet people outside my little 'group' of people I know though next time!!

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